Friday, 28 December 2007
Festive fun and PURRfect CATastrophes ....

Saturday, 22 December 2007
Family time
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Happy Birthday ...........
Check out the Blanche pattern and the book review.
On the home knitting front the green cardigan is still on the needles, its looking good. The cape has been frogged - decided it was not for me!! It is being replaced by a scumble a kind of crochet abstract, freeform job, watch this space for photos. Its great fun to do!!!
Got to go in a rush as usual.
Catch u soon
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Been busy .......
Finally got some pictures for you.
The Cheshire Cat, Innkeepers Lodge at Chester.

The barges on the canal at the side of the inn.

The wonderful autumn scenery at Chester

The cape is on hold for the moment. I have mixed views on it. I have a feeling that I may look a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple. Other projects have become more important so its still on the needles as we speak.
I have been designing and knitting for the next issue of 'knitonthenet.com' which is due out in the next few weeks. Which I'm sure you will find interesting!!!!
I am selling my house at the moment so a lot of things are packed away. The weather has become increasingly cold and I found out I had no hat and scarf, voila a new hat and scarf knitted in Bouton D'or, Eskimo. Knitted on 7mm and 10mm needles it was quick to do and the yarn has a lovely feel and is really nice to work with. The beret is an adaptation of a pattern in the second issue of 'Lets Knit'.

Easy Scarf Pattern
Using Bouton D'or Eskimo and 10mm needles cast on 20sts.
P1st, (*yrn P2tog) repeat from * to last st P1
Repeat this row to length required cast off knitwise.
Takes 3 to 40 50gm balls depending on length required.

(This pattern is very easily adapted using different thicknesses of yarn together, and different sized needles the possibilities are many).
I am also working on more Christmas tree decorations, as my tree goes up on the 1st Decembermas without fail. They are all made in crochet from Twilleys Goldfingering, I have used single yarn thickness and have stiffened them with craft wire. Saves on using excess yarn as it can be quite expensive.

I have also crocheted a Gothic style cross to hang in my window above the tree.

I am still working on more decs and am making a green cardigan to wear with a green dress on Christmas day.
Catch u all soon
Happy Knitting
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Well tweakers the cream cardigan is finally finito!!!!!!

I have found a pattern in Novembers 'Knitting' mag which I have started. Its an aran cape!!! Its very adventurous for me as I tend to wear ordinary run of the mill stuff. Its in an olive green colour. It is already progressing quite quickly. Whaddya think?

I have to confess I have frogged again!! A few blogs ago I mentioned that I was doing the hubby a red slipover, well, he wasn't too bothered about it, I couldn't find the magazine it was taken from, and so it is now back in the ball, so to speak. I still have a few unfinished things but I do like a variety for my complex moods ha ha!!!
Catch u soon
Love Aruba Blue x
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Flattered or not...
Have to tell you this one. On trying on a pair of new jeans this morn I asked my 12 year old son what they looked like. 'Well Mum they make your bum look big but they are ok they will do!!!
Progress at last..
Hi everybody
I've sorted out my frogging problems on the crochet cream cardi, I decided that the right front was 'wrong' frogged the little sod three times, only to find that the right side was right and the left side was wrong. Its now fixed and I'm on the sleeves and I will be very very glad to finish it!!!!!
- Ewe just need oddments of Twilleys Goldfingering, and a 3mm crochet hook
- Make 23 ch and tr into 4th ch from hk, tr into each ch to end
- Turn with 3ch and tr into each tr to end. Repeat this row to length required, keep folding work to give an idea of the finished square.
- When you have your required length do not fasten off. Make 8 ch and join together with a ss. (This makes the hanging loop). Fasten off.
- sew with a slip stitched edges tog leaving one end open to stuff (I used an old pair of black socks cut up) - recycle if you can!!
- sew up remaining seam
- using a contrast colour for the parcel tie, make a long chain, wrap round the parcel and tie to secure.
I have to confess I haven't had time to write out the others, but they will follow soon!!
I have bought a magazine which I haven't seen before 'Knitsimple Fall 2007' .
Its a Vogue one. Lovely patterns for mitts, legwarmers and tank tops. Just the things we need for the coming months, there are cute baby patterns and modular ones as well, a really good value mag!!
For all you crochet people I have found an excellent book, '201 crochet motifs, blocks, projects and ideas by Melody Griffiths'.
I bought this when I stayed in York. It has techniques and ideas which I have never seen before, very clear instructions and beautifully illustrated. Ideal for 'Ewes my Stash' stuff.
I have to say folks that the telly recently has been really awful, bring back some wonderful dramas to knit to please.
On an excellent note St Helens 10 Leeds 8, don't want to go through that again it was a very brutal match and stressful to watch. Come on you Saints!!!
Catch u soon,
keep tweaking,
love Aruba Blue xx
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
A frogging I must go!!!
Its been a while since my last blog, I have had a helluva cold!!! Felt really rough!! (Altogether now aaaaaah!!!!) So my crafting has suffered (pardon the pun) If I am too ill to knit and crochet then I'm ill!!
This morning I have had to frog a project. I was making a place setting in black and white and found the tension to bit a bit awry in one place, which made a line across the work. I think sometimes this happens when we are tired and the tension of our work alters. O hum such is life, its got to be all or nothing with me!!!
I have had another frogging problem, so to speak. The cream crochet cardigan I am making, the right front does not correspond with the left. This is probably because I have made this project before, got really complacent and not read the pattern properly!!!! So I am sorting that as well!!! 'Making mistakes makes us better crafters in the long run' says me.
I am still making the Christmas tree decorations which are coming on great.

What do you think? It's a beautiful day isn't it! Autumn is my favourite season!!
Patterns to follow on my next blog!!
Bye for now
love Aruba Blue xx
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Its never too early ..... honest!!
I have been making things that are slightly alarming for this time of year. Using my 'Ewes my Stash' policy, I found some Twilleys goldfingering, and ...wait for it have been crafting some-ssshhhhh- Christmas Tree decorations. (That is inbetween making my current pair of socks!!!).
Every year I say to myself I will make some Christmas decs and never get round to it, so this year I'm ahead of myself!!! So far I have made a tree, a red bauble and a parcel all in crochet.
Also, I have bought some bamboo sock needles in sizes 4mm to 6mm, I have found a couple of aran weight sock patterns which I think would be fun. I got the needles from 'I knit London' they have a great selection.
Will hopefully post some more pictures soon, and a pattern or two.
Love Aruba Blue xx
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Might as well face it I'm addicted to socks ...................
Well I have several projects yet to finish. Can't be bothered at the mo, so Ive started another pair of socks, using Opal yarn. This is great as it knits in self stripes, seeing as I cannot stand having cold feet they will be useful!!!!
Sad news about Anita Roddick, the lady made a difference. She was brilliant. Girls rock!!!
Finished reading my Julian Clary book twas good!! Have just finished reading the Christine Keeler story which is excellent, for anyone who's ever seen the film 'Scandal' this is the truth coming out. What a tangled web it was!!! ...and I thought my life was complex!!!
Bye for now
keep tweakin the needles
love Aruba Blue xx
Saturday, 8 September 2007
We have results ......................

Second one is a raspberry tea cosy the one I did from Laughing Hens, I had to add a couple of rows of crochet to the bottom as it wasnt quite deep enough.

Numero 3 is one sock, the other photographs came out kinda blurred and fuzzy, a bit like me after a few G and T's. The socks were done in fiberspates hand dyed 4 ply, absolutely wonderful to work with, and I cant wait to do more.

I have decided now to have a project called 'Ewe's my Stash', I have a lot of leftover yarn, some quite expensive, and some I have an attachment too!!!! So my first project was a camera cover in the fiberspates yarn I had left over from the socks.

Crochet really shows off the colours in the yarn, and my camera cover had gone awol, jobs a guddun!!!! Well thats it for today folks, catch u soon.
love Aruba Blue xx
Saturday, 1 September 2007

This is a pic I found of Howarth the place I visited on my way back from York. It is an amazing shop, a real step back in time, with wonderful scenty, soapy, clean smells. As well as toiletries etc they had scrapbooks of the fifties sixties and seventies. I loved the seventies one best it was like a trip to Life on Mars!! A real nostalgia trip, my kids thought it was hilarious!!
Well, I had my day off and had a wonderful day with a friend, who I don't see very often as she lives quite a distance from me. We had coffee and shopped, we had lunch and shopped some more. Twas fun!!!!
When I came home I was faced with a problem which has dogged me ever since and I still haven't found a solution!!! I guess Blue is the right name for me at present.
So my crafting hasn't progressed very well. I have done more work on the remaining sock, and taken pictures - but I can't get them on my pc, being the technophobe I am, will have to carry on until I master it.
The photo below is the cot blanket I did for knitonthenet.com.
Do you ever get days when you really want to move mountains with your crafting and find that you cant 'get for going' to quote an old saying. Well tomorrow is another day!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me that I can suss out this camera thing and post some pics for you!! I will sign off friends and bid you goodnight!!!
Catch u soon
Love Aruba Blue xx

Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Work in progress ......

..... haven't done a great deal of crafting the last couple of days. Been workin. Did manage to finish one sock, and started its partner!!!! Could be a useful thing to always have on the needles, very compact to travel with, did a little at lunchtime today.
When I finally get to grips with my digital camera will put some photo's on the web. As usual my head has been buzzin with new ideas, but I really need to finish at least a couple of things in progress first.
I would love to be able to design and craft all day, but need to work - such is life.
A couple of girls at work saw my designs on the web, got some nice feedback!! The cot blanket I made is for a friend at work, she love's it. A client told me this joke 'Why are women stronger than men, because they carry ladders in their tights'. Sorry about that but its the only 'family' joke I know.
Havent read much more of the Julian book. Going to watch a film in peace now, the rest of theclan are watching the sports channel. Have a day off tomorrow should get some decent crafting done.
Keep clickin those needles
Bye for now
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Feelin champion!!!!

Still feelin the buzz from the match
Not much knitting done today, but I have finished my raspberry tea cosy, looks really funky!!! Managed to do a few rows of my crochet cream cardi.
Found a few half finished projects in my yarn stash today which I had forgotten about.
- A red slipover partly started for my bloke, no pattern with it - think it is out of a magazine which I have packed away somewhere. That one is definitely on the backburner till I find it .... dizzy or what!!!
- A green mix 3/4 sleeve sweater in Dune which I have a pattern for and its just garter stitch because its very textured, detailed knitting would be wasted on it. It's one I can pick up when watching something really engrossing on tele.!!!!
- ... and a black mix very fluffy slipover which I had started last winter and forgot about - doh!!!!!
Well I'll sign off for now,
Catch u all sooon
Friday, 24 August 2007
Feelin quite chilled. Knitting, posting and watchin Midsomer Murders at mo. Went to York for the weekend, found a great woolshop, hadnt got the time to browse at leisure, decided to go back the following day and they were closed. Temporarily gutted I was!!!! They are on the net, but it gives me the perfect excuse for another weekend in York soon!! (Sheepish in The Shambles).
Everytime I go away I look for a wool shop and have done for years, drives my kids scatty.
Current projects are:
- knittin a raspberry tea cosy from Laughing Hens, actually finished the knittin bit today only needs making up. It is one funky way to have a cuppa, have previously knit the strawberry one for a gift. They are really sweet!
- At the weekend I started to knit a pair of socks with yarn from Fibrespates, lovely stuff very tactile, on a circular needle of course... this is still a work in progress, thought it would be boring but its not and knits up surprisingly quickly.
- designin one of my own patterns will not comment on this until it is finished, and believe me it has to be just right.
- Oh and another one I nearly forgot, I am crochetin an open cream coloured cardigan for a gift!
Have also read a book this week, one of my old favourites Sidney Sheldon's, The Other Side of Midnight, read it years ago and its still not lost its magic for me.
Tomorrow my heroes, St Helens Rugby League are playing the final at Wembley, its very unlikely that I
will get any crafting done during the match, dont want to miss a thing. Catch u
all soon.
Happy knitting,
Oh and one last thing .....

Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Chuffed or what!!!
Having been obsessed with yarn from the age of 6. I now have the pleasure of seeing three of my designs on my friends website.
I still cannot quite believe it.
It feels awesome!!
Please visit
it is a really good magazine too!!
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Withdrawal symptoms
Been really busy at work and having jobs done in the house. Getting withdrawal symptoms havent managed to play with wool for a few days.
Got a day off tomorrow will have time to catch up. Currently got 2 projects on the go. I find that 'mood' knitting and crochet is very therapeutic, you can enjoy it without the pressure of having to finish something before starting something else!!!!!
Catch u soon
keep those needles busy!!!!
Monday, 9 July 2007
My first blog!!!!
Is anyone else totally batty about yarn and needles, gets a kick out of texture, colour and creativity, and loves the buzz!!!! Would love to hear from you!!