Hi Everyone,
Apologies for not blogging for 'yonks' (a local term for a long time). I put myself under too much pressure trying to do
everything, long hours at work and college assignments have inhibited my creative juices. Thank you for the beautiful birthday wishes I received on Ravelry (for the 7th January) they warmed my heart, a belated and sincere HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!!!
We are virtually snowbound - a slight exaggeration, we are not as bad as some parts of the country, walking and travel are hazardous. I choose to hibernate. I am not the steadiest person on my pins at the best of times, to put me on icy paths would be very very risky!!

How beautiful is this.
As my friend Susan will tell you, despite the hazards, I love to tread on 'virgin' snow, fresh snow untouched, I love to make childlike footprints - guilty pleasures or what!!
I now have a week off work -
I want to play with yarn, and watch movies and just C H I L L O U T!! (Pardon the pun!!!)
I really like this:
Recession Ruffleby Henrietta Dups from knitonthenet.com

A perfect stash buster, a quick and easy project.
I am going to sign off now. I feel the need to design, create and PLAY!!!!!
Bye for now, catch you soon.
Happy tweaking!! xx