..... haven't done a great deal of crafting the last couple of days. Been workin. Did manage to finish one sock, and started its partner!!!! Could be a useful thing to always have on the needles, very compact to travel with, did a little at lunchtime today.
When I finally get to grips with my digital camera will put some photo's on the web. As usual my head has been buzzin with new ideas, but I really need to finish at least a couple of things in progress first.
I would love to be able to design and craft all day, but need to work - such is life.
A couple of girls at work saw my designs on the web, got some nice feedback!! The cot blanket I made is for a friend at work, she love's it. A client told me this joke 'Why are women stronger than men, because they carry ladders in their tights'. Sorry about that but its the only 'family' joke I know.
Havent read much more of the Julian book. Going to watch a film in peace now, the rest of theclan are watching the sports channel. Have a day off tomorrow should get some decent crafting done.
Keep clickin those needles
Bye for now