.... from knitonthenet.issue9!!

I have had the pleasure of working with JustCallMeRuby, on this beautiful creation for knitonthenets latest issue. Meet Joplin!! A crocheted collar and cuffs on an old sweater, ribbon binding and a button, it really looks like new.

Meet Martha,
Martha was my Nan (Dad's Mum) we lost her when I was 21.
She was a lady, a real girly girl!! This kind of filet crochet would have sat well on her walnut dressing table, with her powder puff, her silver backed hairbrush, and her Chanel No5. To this day when I smell powder compacts I think of her.
When she was a young
woman she crocheted altar cloths for her local Methodist parish

I wonder what you would make of this little offering Nan, fond memories, always xx
..... and then theres Lillie!!

Bye for now tweakers,
love Cathy xx