TrainsAfter my bout of the bug I went to stay with my friend in Stranraer. What a train journey that was!!! The train left late from my own location so I missed every connection, the journey took nine and a half hours!!! Its a good job I took a couple of Mills and Boon with me, seriously I did!! A friend lent them to me and they were modern romances and by heck they were saucy!!! I left them on the train and hope someone else reads them, it will certainly give them a giggle!!!
Next time I travel I won't have a suitcase, once you have lugged them over several footbridges and run like the clappers to the relevent platform it does your head in!!
On arrival we decided to hit Dr Vodka then finally went to bed, after chats and giggles, at 5am, fantastic!!!
ScumbleAs my friend Ellen is a raving loony knitter as well, we got a lot of needle tweaking done too :)!! I took my crochet scumble random thing with me! It seemed easier than taking knitting needles!!I have nearly finished and its making a cute warm jacket!!

Its been a really interesting thing to do. Because its not structured and there is no formal pattern you can add anything to it! I tried to incorporate varied patterns and the photo is just a sample!!
'Knit on the net' Knitting
On Thursday 17th we had our first knitting group it was great!!! We had fun chattin, knittin, crochet, drinkin and eating delicious cakes. (Thanks again Sue... our wonderful cake maker)!! Its really good to share a craft you are passionate about with like minded people of all ages. Keep it up you teens! No matter how experienced we think we are, there's always something more learn. Its great to share. I have spent time as a 'lonely knitter', it great to be able to socialise it gives a real boost!!
Step back in time .....
I found a dog eared copy of Paton's Treasures in my stash of patterns. It was published by Patons and Baldwins Limited in 1973. (A 'life on mars' moment or what!!) I knitted a santa toy from it when I was a teenager, for my Auntie, she still has it and it goes under the tree every Christmas!!
..anyway I found a crochet shawl pattern (page 27) which I have made previously for babies and now I'm makin one for me. After the cat disaster I still had nothing to go with my green dress till now ..I found some lovely Jaeger Siena 4 ply, 100% mercerised cotton, in a sale at The Black Sheep no less. Its a shade deeper than my dress and is beautiful to work with..

Its really easy to do once the first few rows are established, I am debating whether to put an edging or a fringe on it, its made on a 5mm hook so its crochets quick as well!
For hand spun yarn ....
Check out for beautiful yarns, she went to our knitting soiree and I've seen the yarn its gorgeous!! Well done Kate!!
Catch you soon,
keep tweakin
love Aruba Blue xx
ps I am having real trouble with the colours on my photo's an accurate colour of the Siena is the pic with the book!! Cheers!!