Hi fellow tweakers,
Hope you all had a fab time at the holidays, I spent time with family and we had a karaoke, it was total madness and laughter I would recommend it to liven things up!!
Father Christmas came and look what he brought .. 9ct gold charm bracelet.
From the top left anti clockwise theres a sweet, a bible, a bell, a piggy bank and a teddy bear.
I guess you have now realised that the photograghs are in the wrong place, I am in the library and only have a short time to blog. (I'd probably get it wrong if I tried all day but at least I'm getting better!!)
The knitting books are great as well by the way!!
As for the purrfect catastrophe, to cut a long story short my three cats left me exclusive personal presents in two bags of knitting, so they are now in the bin, and I am sad. Turns out the cat flap was jammed and they couldn't get out. It wasn't deliberate and I do still love them!!
The gorgeous green Anny Blatt project has gone, and a rose pink creation in Click which I loved has gone.
On the up side I feel that I can now buy new yarn- yeeha!! As David Essex sang ... ev'ry clouds gotta silver lining!!
Bye bye for now and enjoy the rest of the festive season.
All the very best for the New Year.
love Aruba xx